Greig Watson
Principles of defence in di Grassi's single sword
Giacomo di Grassi's fencing treatise of 1570 focuses more on practical principles than complex techniques. This class will explore his advice for fencing in a safe way with the single sword, minimising the chance of being struck by the opponent by following clear tactical principles.
Equipment: Sidesword, mask, glove, chest protector or good padded jacket
Greig Watson began training in historical fencing in 2002 when he joined the Dawn Duellists Society in Edinburgh. There he trained under Maestro Paul Macdonald, Gareth Hunt and others, studying a variety of sword forms.
Eventually he decided to focus on the Italian tradition and was promoted to club instructor. In 2014 he left DDS to found his own club, Edinburgh Renaissance Fencing Academy (ERFA), where he still teaches. The ERFA syllabus centres around the 16th century system of Giacomo di Grassi, encompassing a number of weapon forms including the early rapier and its companions as well as the two-handed sword and polearms. Greig also studies later Italian styles, including Capoferro's 17th century rapier and Bertelli's smallsword, as well as training in traditional Chinese Chen Tai Chi.
He is currently writing a training book for his di Grassi interpretation.
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