
The Malta Historical Fencing International Meeting has been proud to host workshops from many of the world's best instructors in the field of Historical Martial Arts.

Click on the images below for more details about each instructor and the workshops they will be presenting at the Malta Historical Fencing International Meeting.

Basic Classes

Every year, a number of participants ask us if the classes given during our International event are suitable for beginners.

Sometimes you are expected to know a bit of the basics of that particular weapon, so we are starting the event by offering short introductory classes on Sidesword, Longsword, Sabre and Rapier. In this way a total beginner can better understand and enjoy the classes that are presented in the rest of the weekend.

These introductory classes are going to be given by senior members and trainee instructors Enrico Marantidis, Karl Agius, Franco Davies and Sean Fenech. These four gentlemen are currently attending the recently established MHFA Instructor Academy to become future instructors under our system of practice.

If you are a beginner in one of these weapons make sure to attend!

Private Workshops

In addition to the scheduled workshops, the Malta Historical Fencing International Meeting also provides spaces for private workshops and smaller classes. These classes may be requested by the participants and are done by arrangement between the instructor and the participants. Kindly note that a fee may be applicable at the instructor's discretion.

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