

Classes in various weapons and styles will be held in Fort St. Angelo through the weekend. Longsword, rapier, sidesword, sword and buckler, sabre workshops will all be available!

All classes will be held twice, so you can make your own programme without missing any classes you would like to take! Please refer to the list of instructors for more information.

Apart from the scheduled classes, there will be plenty of opportunities for friendly sparring in various locations around the fort!


"Measurement and Documentation of Original Swords"

Every year we make sure to give our participants an interesting lecture that somehow is related to our discipline or some historical curiosity that some people are not so much aware of.

This year we invited our friends Florian Fortner, Julian Schrattenecker and Stefan Feichtinger to give us a little insight on their ongoing project.

A tripartite lecture on measuring, documenting, and reproducing swords:

  1. 1) The story behind the project & how we did it.
  2. 2) Key properties of all types of swords.
  3. 3) How to photograph swords and blades well.

Gala Dinner

On Saturday, 30th November we will be organizing a formal dinner at a local restaurant for all the participants. More details coming soon!

Register now!