George Zacharopoulos
In the Spanish fencing science of La Veradera Destreza conclusion -detain and disarm- is considered of high value and are used quite often due to the closer distance and position the Diestros choose to fight from. In Italian systems disarms are also present, though less frequent but still there.
In this workshop we will examine and learn to identify the proper conditions in order to have a successful disarm or detainment: distance, moment (tempo), angles, body position, swords position etc. The Spanish school uses geometry and physics as a pedagogy tool. We shall do the same by using LVD as a guide but not only. We will learn to deflect and subject not only by using our sword hand but by using our body and our feet.
Disarm as a concept is easy. The difficulty, during the fight, is to recognize fast that the conditions are set or how to set them yourself.
Level: Any
Equipment: Rapier / Sidesword, mask, glove, chest protector (optional)
George Zacharopoulos has been studying and training in Historical European Martial Arts for more than 15 years with a fondness for the German longsword and the Italian & Spanish rapier. He is currently the administrator and instructor of Academia da Espada Hellas but also teaches La Verdadera Destreza in S.C. Academy of Hoplomachia and Marxbrueder Guild Hellas and Smallsword at Athens Bartitsu Club 1900. Provost of the Historical Fencing Affliates and founder of the Athens Bartitsu Club 1900.
Previous experience include Ninjutsu, Combined Chinese and Filipino Boxing (by Angelos Fasois), Sport Fencing, Sport Archery. Also certified Knife Instructor of the Reality Based Personal Protection system by Jim Wagner.
He has participated in HEMA events and taught workshops in Greece, Europe and USA. Co-author (with Chrysovalantis Tampakakis) of the first book for HEMA in Greek, entitled “The Knightly art of the Sword” by Batsioulas Publications in 2011. A translation in English from Greek, of Philipp Muller’s “Theoretical and Applied introduction to Swordsmanship” 1847 military sabre treatise (with Elias Stypas) is out by Fallen Rook Publishing.
He has also translated “Las Cien Conclusiones” a 17th century text by Luis Pacheco de Narváez, from Spanish to Greek, a publication released by AGEA Editora. Member of HEMAC and currently vice-president of the International Federation for Historical European Martial Arts (IFHEMA)
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